It's no longer a case of when, but how serious. Doesn't it seem a long time ago that these sorts of shows were all about entertainment? When relatively well-balanced, albeit fame-hungry, people took part in them for a new experience.
This year alone we have seen Susan Boyle totally lose it; an 11-year-old Aiden Davis reduced to tears in front of 2 million viewers; no less than THREE Big Brother contestants walking out with totally shredded nerves...
And now this. Remember happy-go-lucky (yet utterly irritating) Sree? He's only gone and tried to off himself.
Let it be known here that BTR has long predicted that this is the year when the lid finally blows and we all find ourselves glued to our sets as a contestant turns the knife on someone else - live death...for our entertainment. Now that's what you call a watercooler moment.