A rare moment of entertainment in Big Brother these last couple of days, thanks to Wolf-man Marcus. First up the deeply creepy one throws a total tantrum when BB gently ribs him as part of one of his cringe-inducing tasks. He'd wittered previously about BB taking an 'awesome photo' of him, making him look like 'a complete top boy' (not humanly possible - even with photo shop). Obviously embarrassed at the revelation to 2 million people that he'd said something impossibly twatty (Oh yeah, the cameras pick up everything), he reverted to playground and smashed up the diary room.But the best bit was when he eventually, sheepishly crawled back to the diary room to apologise. Only his apology took the form of a deranged lecture to BB about how, if he were producing, he'd make such a better go of it. "I know what makes great telly and I offered you gold - you didn't take it".
Finally,we are here. The contestants think they can produce a better show than the producers. The lunatics are taking over the asylum. Inevitable really.