WHY is the current series of Big Brother getting lower viewing figures than crap like 'The Baby Who Swallowed a Baby Elephant' on Living? It' not even getting 2million a night now - that's like less than The Sky at Night (probably)
Has the nation finally fallen out of love with reality TV? Or is reality TV, as we know and hate it, finally running out of steam?
I was fascinated, but not at all surprised, to learned that 80% of this year's housemates have 'below average IQs'. I mean, seriously, if you did actually put 10 monkeys in a room alongside 10 of this year's contestants - both with typewriters, the monkeys would definitely churn out War & Peace quicker.
But the stupidest by far. Quite possibly the thickest plank ever to grace our screens - the woman who genuinely makes Jade Goody's retardo-rants look like the brainy musings of an Oxford academic, has to be Dogface. Last night I counted the amount of times she said 'I dunno'. It was a learning-difficulty-tastic 53!! She uses the words as punctuation, as adjectives, as nouns and verbs and other grammar stuff - sometimes just randomly on their own, like a fluffy yellow bird tweeting the same stupid little tweet.
One sentence actually consisted of: "It's like, I dunno, I think he, I dunno, I haven't said anything to him but, I dunno, he's, I dunno. I dunno what to say because, I dunno, he just seems really, I dunno. It's like he's, I dunno, kind of, I dunno". THAT was the sentence! Literally.
Now, dear readers, as you well know, no one loathes reality TV - those that make it (badly) and those that 'star' in it - more than me. But COME ON. Surely there is just enough life left in the old dog to churn out something beyond having to watch a gang of vapid, vain, backward assholes walking around telling each other 'I dunno' all day?
Someone please - help me care about hating this goddamn stuff again.