Commissioner: I want something edgy... something with kids and parents - you know, the kids with knives, parents on the edge. Think Brat Camp meets War on Terror...
Producer: Ok. So therapy... extreme therapy?
Commissioner: Yeah, extreme therapy - sod Supernanny, what's really gonna push things along...
Producer: Well you know they're closing down Guantanamo?
Commissioner: Of course! Can you get access?
Producer: Well we almost got Gringo Express away with them last year... Geneva shit killed it.
Ok... so how about we send these off the rails kids and their waster parents to Guantanamo...
Commissioner: I like it. Where's the jeopardy...
Producer: So the kid smokes - we waterboard him until he quits. Another kid has a weight problem - well there's a purpose built exercise yard, let the porker sweat. Attitude issues, hell, let's get em naked and pile them on top of each other - if it worked for the military, it'll work for TV.
Leave them all there 6 weeks - then we finish show with a kangaroo court made up of mums and dads - winners get to go home, losers... well that's 2nd series.
Commissioner: Ah shit - I've just found out BBC Three commissioned this stinking heap of...